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Música Música
Desarrollador Oliver Kuhn

MIDI Sequencer
Originally part of the Roland JD-Xi patch editor, is now a separate application, which will work with any synthesizer. It will automatically connect to any and all MIDI devices available. It is particularly useful for synthesizers with built in sequencers such as the Roland JD-XA and JD-Xi which also have multiple synths in one box. Record to or from the synth, wait for the first note when recording.

Single resolution independent screen, single click interface with many keyboard shortcuts. Keeping it as simple as possible.
16 Separate sequencers, each with its own MIDI channel, step length and individual note times.
Each step may be a Rest, Note, Chord or Hold.
Connect multiple synths and drum machines on individual MIDI channels or send all sequences to a single channel.
Note duration ranges from 1/256 to 16.
Handles start/stop sequence MIDI messages for playback.
Low CPU utilisation, when display update is turned off.
All files are text files, and can be edited in any text editor.
Export individual sequences as midi files.